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Welcome to Eastern AHSN’s final newsletter of 2021. Below are just some of the latest developments and exciting projects that have been keeping us busy over recent months. Alongside a blog from our Commercial Director Dr Louise Jopling on developing a value proposition we are also pleased to share news of two exciting projects we are delivering in partnership with the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East of England (NIHR ARC EoE). This important work reflects our growing relationship with the ARC and extends our work in the areas of enabling independent living and improving mental health care.

We hope you will be able to take some time off over the holidays to enjoy time with your friends and family and thank you for all your partnership this year to make a meaningful difference to our communities. We look forward to working with you and furthering our impact in the new year.

Wishing you a happy Christmas,

Piers Ricketts

Chief Executive at Eastern AHSN

Does remote monitoring deepen health inequality?

Eastern AHSN has partnered with the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration East of England (NIHR ARC EoE) to assess the impact of remote monitoring technology on health services and citizens. The project, which is being funded through the NHS Insights Prioritisation Programme (NIPP), aims to evaluate how remote monitoring can be used within developing integrated care systems (ICSs) to track a wide range of conditions at home and who it can help most.

In the news: Cambridge-based CamDiab’s CamAPS FX app helps patients manage diabetes

“Like most parents with a newly diagnosed child with type 1 diabetes, Sam quickly became an expert at finger prick tests, basal and bolus insulin dosing and what to do when her daughter was hypoglycaemic… Then, in January 2020, Sam was introduced to the CamAPS FX app – and hasn’t looked back since.”

Read Sam and Sofia-Stevie’s story with local innovator CamDiab's closed-loop system app in the Cambridge Independent.

Blog: The importance of a winning value proposition

Many innovators struggle to make expected progress and some fail because their innovation does not address a recognised problem, is seen as unaffordable or because they can’t clearly explain the benefits of their innovation. If you can’t articulate the value of your product, how can we expect buyers to adopt it? Read the latest blog by Dr Louise Jopling, Commercial Director at Eastern AHSN, where she shares her tips on how to succeed with your value proposition.


Success for the AHSNs at the HSJ Awards 2021

The AHSN Network was successful in the Patient Safety category for the significant support Patient Safety Collaboratives and AHSNs provided to implement COVID Oximetry @home and virtual wards. The programme was delivered in partnership with NHS England and NHS Improvement, NHS Digital and NHSX, and helped thousands of people most at risk from COVID-19 to be safely supported at home through remote self-monitoring of their oxygen saturation levels.


New fellowship launched for mental health research

We have partnered with NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (NIHR ARC) East of England to deliver a fellowship for those keen to develop an understanding of the research environment and skills in research methodology, service redesign and change management in mental health.

Free quality improvement bitesized training launched with the NHS Leadership Academy

Delivered in partnership with the NHS Leadership Academy in the East of England, this fully-funded programme includes four pre-recorded sessions to view on demand, all available now.

Learn the principles and tools of quality improvement (QI) and how to apply them in practice in this series of bitesize sessions aimed at health and care professionals.


Insights to Impact Masterclass: patient participation and co-design

Thursday 27 January, 09:30 – 12:45

Patient experience is invaluable when looking for reimbursement from the NHS and should not be underestimated. The purpose of this online masterclass is to help innovators understand how collaborating with patients can help support innovators in obtaining funding applications, improve research studies and support uptake and usage of digital and MedTech across the NHS. You will hear from a range of stakeholders, understand the theory and learn from real life case studies.


Leading for Change

The Leading for Change leadership programme is for patients and public and those NHS staff who are engaged in managing patient and public involvement. It is a four day programme run by the Citizens’ Senate and the King’s Fund. It is focused on updating existing skills and developing new skills in order to enable effective partnership with health professionals. A fundamental element of this programme is a willingness to work collaboratively and strategically with the system. The programme content will help gain confidence to engage in conversations and to improve relationship building and influencing skills.



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